Red Flags Bermuda
Growth & Development
Healthy Child Development
There are several stages of healthy literacy and numeracy development that are marked by key abilities.
By 3 months
Shows interest in contrast between light and dark
Makes eye contact with pictures in book
Looks intensely at pictures for several minutes
By 6 months
Enjoys music, songs and rhymes
Reaches for and explores books with hands and mouth
Sits on lap and holds head up steadily
Shows preference for photographs of faces
Uses both hands to manipulate the book to make the pages open and close
By 12 months
Shows interest in looking at books
Holds book with help
Tries to turn several pages at a time
Looks at pictures, vocalizes and pats picture
Sits up without support
Plays social games with you (e.g., peek a boo)
By 18 months
Points at pictures with one finger
Enjoys tickle, bounce and nursery rhymes
Identifies pictures in a book (e.g., Show me the baby)
Able to carry book and turn pages well
Holds a crayon or pencil in fist and marks paper, scribbles
Labels a particular picture with a specific sound
Enjoys being read to and looking at books
Relates an object or an action in a book to the real world
By 2 years
Asks for favourite books to be read over and over again
Pretends to read
Names familiar pictures
Holds books the right way up and turns pages easily, one at a time
Relates events in books to his/her own past experiences
Notices print rather than just the pictures
Can join in and recite phrases
By 2 ½ months
Produces words with two or more syllables or beats: ba-na-na, com-pu-ter
Recognizes familiar logos and signs - (e.g., stop sign)
Remembers and understands familiar stories
By 3 years
Sings simple songs and familiar rhymes
Pretends to read familiar books aloud
Knows how to use a book (holds/turns pages one at a time, starts at beginning, points/talks about pictures)
Looks carefully and makes comments about books
Fills in missing words/phrases in familiar books that are read aloud
Holds a pencil/crayon with pincer grasp and uses it to draw/scribble
Imitates writing with linear scribbles
Copies a circle, vertical and horizontal lines when shown
Talks about past events
Tells simple stories
Engages in multi step pretend play – cooking a meal, repairing a car
Is aware of the functions of print – in menus, signs
Has a beginning interest in, and awareness of, rhyming
Requests adult to read or write
Understands that print carries a message
Shows ability to participate in routines
By 4 ½ years
Tells stories with clear beginning, middle and end
Matches some letters with their sounds (e.g., Letter “t” says tuh)
Recites nursery rhymes and sings familiar songs
Reads a book by memory or by making up the story to go along with the pictures
Can guess what will happen next in the story
Retells some details of stories read aloud but not necessarily in order
Traces circle, triangle, square using templates
Recognizes signs and symbols in daily environment (e.g., traffic signs, washroom signs)
Holds a pencil correctly
Identifies the names of 10 alphabet letters (likely from own name)
Understands the concept of rhyme; recognizes and generates rhyming words
Changes a sound in a word to make a new word in familiar games and songs
Enjoys being read to □ Is motivated to try to read
By 5 ½ years
Can match all letter symbols to letter sounds
Reads some familiar vocabulary by sight (high frequency words)
Can label pictures quickly □ Knows parts of a book
Understands the basic concepts of print (difference between letters, words, sentences, how the text runs from left to right, top to bottom, white space between words)
Knowledge of the basic concepts of print shows in child’s writing (letters instead of scribbles, letter groupings that look like words, invented spelling)
Points to and says the name of most letters of the alphabet when randomly presented (upper and lower case); recognizes how many words are in a sentence
Prints letters (by copying, or in her full name, or when attempting to spell words)
Makes predictions about stories; retells the beginning, middle and end of familiar stories
Can recall a brief story that has just been heard
When being read a story, connects information and events to real life experiences
Can identify the beginning and ending sounds in words e.g., “Pop” starts with the “puh” sound
Can shift attention from meanings of words to sounds of words
Draws diagonal lines and simple shapes
Able to sort objects by size, colour, use, etc.
Able to understand simple patterning
One to one correspondence for numbers from 1 through 10
... If a child is missing one or more of these expected age outcomes, consider this a red flag: